About Us:

Sakthi Ladies Hostel, We are committed and dedicated to provide ladies hostel service a safe and secured atmosphere, hygienic and quality food, clean environment and outstanding facilities that makes your stay without any disturb and satisfying in a nominal charge. It is our extreme endeavor to pay attention to each and every aspect.

Who we are:

Sakthi Ladies Hostel was started in the year of 5th june 2000, It was established by Mrs. K. Shanthamani at the age of 56 in her own house with only 8 girls students from PSGR Krishnammal College. Our hostel is on the first and best private ladies hostel located in peelamedu and hope college, Coimbatore.

Gradually, it was developed and now there were 250 numbers with both students and working women, We have 5 branches around peelamedu and Hope College junction.

Our hostel avails safety and security for individual students. We take care of our inmates rooms available with Luxuries facilities, transport facilities available.

Our food was prepared purely, homely and hygienic. We won’t use any preservative food items for cooking. Food provided with self serving method only. We don’t collect any hidden charges and we collect fees including currents charges, water charges etc,.

Our Team

Now, it ws run by my Son and daughter-in-law, (Mr K Rajkumar and R Prabha), our whole family is committed to serve to manitain and endour next level of with atmost goodfaith of our staying students and their family.

K Rajkumar


R Prabha
